Thanks for visiting this website and listening to my music. 

Here you can read all the terms & conditions for buying and using the music you can listening to in this website.

Kind regards, Óscar H Caballero


Important note: The artist, Óscar H Caballero assures that he is not a member of any collecting society & the music is not registered with any collecting society.


What is allowed in The License you get buying my music?

The License grants you, the user, an ongoing (lifetime valid), non- exclusive, commercial, worldwide license to make use of the music you have selected, on the following terms:


- You can use the music without attribution, but if you mention the artist would be great!


- You can use the music for your projects and for creating media for third parties (your clients). If you create a media project for a third party, you must provide them with a copy of the license document as proof.


- All the music you buy here can be used for free for commercial and noncommercial use across physical and digital products, and only for the following purposes:


     * Livestreams/Videos on your own Youtube-, Vimeo- or Twitch channel (or similar services)

     * Videos / Films / Cinema / Documentary

     * Videostreaming

     * TV/Radio

     * Theaters

     * Videogames

     * Live production

     * Podcasts

     * Audio Dramas

     * Sound reinforcement for events or locations

     * Music On Hold / Background Music for websites

Contact me, if you are missing a purpose for your project.


- You can modify or manipulate the Item, or combine the Item with other works, to suit your End Product. You may adjust the music to your needs, e.g. turn the volume down, make transitions, stretch, cut or add a speaker.


- With the music you can create an End Product for you or for a third party/client.


- You can use the music for specific direct playback uses, which are background music for an event, venue or location, one company’s private on-hold music system, or one personal mobile ring-tone.



What is not allowed?

    [X]     You are not allowed to sell or redistribute unaltered copies of the music (Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, iTunes...) e.g. sell an exact copy of a music on a physical product. You can’t re-distribute the music as a musical item, as stock, in a tool or template, or with source files. You can’t do this with music either on its own or bundled with other items (such as an audio compilation), and even if you modify the music. You can’t re-distribute the music as-is or with superficial modifications. These things are not allowed even if the re-distribution is for free. The artists already self-publish their music. The terms of use of most stores don't allow you to sell music that you don't own the exclusive rights to anyway.


    [X]     It is not allowed to offer or publish the music in the context of the word combination "copyright free","copyright free music", "without copyright" or similar word combinations. The music is not "copyright free" - the artist Óscar H Caballero still owns all rights to his music. Therefore, the statement "copyright free" does not apply. Only so-called "public domain music" is free of copyright.


    [X]     You can only use the music for lawful purposes. Also, you can’t use the music in connection with defamatory, obscene or demeaning material, or in connection with sensitive subjects.


    [X]     This is very important: You are not allowed to claim ownership of the music, whether it’s in original form or altered under this clause. In particular, you are not allowed to claim the music, for example through content identification systems (on Youtube, Facebook, Twitch and similar platforms). If you do this anyway I will know it , because I will receive a copyright claim notice from Youtube.  Especially this point always has immediate legal consequences!


    [X]     You can’t use the music in applications allowing an end user to customise a digital or physical product to their specific needs, such as “on demand” and “build it yourself” applications. You may use the music in these ways only if you purchase a separate extended license for each customer using the Item.


    [X]     It is not allowed to sing to the music, remix it and then distribute or sell it as your own music. This website is not a karaoke website or a repository for other musicians looking for instrumental versions.


    [X]     You can’t claim trademark or service mark rights over the music within an end product.



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Este autor tiene 107 artículos publicados.